Apples are in the "pome" category of fruits and in French are called, "pomme". They have thin skins, mainly shades of red, pink, and green and are completely edible with the exception of the stem and small seeds in the middle. Apples are easy to store, and have a long shelf life. They can be eaten raw or cooked in all sorts of both sweet and savoury preparations.

Growing & Climate
In Canada, they do well in our temperate climate and are easily cultivated in orchards. Apples ripen in mid-September to October, mainly. They are an iconic symbol of autumn and fall harvest.
Apple-growing is a local hobby and some farms offer u-pick stations for consumers to go pick their own apples.
Grafting has allowed for hundreds of species of apples. Varieties grown in Alberta include; Honeycrisp, Red Sparkle, Wintercheeks, Goodland, September Ruby, Norland, Prairie Sensation, M60, Alberta Gold, and Kerr.
Ways to cook Apples
Smoking Apples
More details on applewoodsmoking to go here.
Baking Apples
More details on applewoodsmoking to go here.
Eating Raw
More details about eating raw on salads or eating by hands.
Some of our favorite videos
Some description text here.
Alberta Apple Producers
D & A Gardens
About this producerFoods from this producer:
The Berry Farm (at Christie's Corner)
About this producerAttracted 2 Apples
About this producerFoods from this producer:
Saskatoon Farm
About this producerFoods from this producer:
- Fruit
Saskatoon Berry
- Fruit
Black Currant
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Roots and Tubers
- Vegetables
- Roots and Tubers
- Vegetables
- Leafy Greens
- Fruit
- Vegetables
- Vegetables
- Leafy Greens
- Vegetables
- Herbs & Spices & Flavourings
- Culinary Herb
- Vegetables
- Vegetables
- Cabbage Family
- Vegetables
- Vegetables
- Fruit
D & A Gardens
DNA Gardens, Range Rd 230, Elnora, AB, Canada
The Berry Farm (at Christie's Corner)
52002 Range Road 232, Sherwood Park, AB T8B 1B3, Canada
Attracted 2 Apples
Attracted2Apples, Range Road 213, Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Canada
Saskatoon Farm
The Saskatoon Farm, 338 Avenue East, Foothills County, AB, Canada