
The shiitake mushroom, scientifically named Lentinula edodes, is characterized by its medium-sized, brown to dark brown cap and a pleasantly meaty texture. These mushrooms thrive on decaying hardwood, particularly oak trees. While wild shiitakes can be found, the majority of these mushrooms consumed today are cultivated, making them accessible year-round. Their growing popularity has seen them transition from specialty stores to mainstream grocery shelves, even in places like Alberta.


Historically, shiitake mushrooms have deep roots in Asian culinary and medicinal traditions. Revered not only for their taste but also for their purported health benefits, shiitakes have been cultivated for over a thousand years. As global culinary exchange intensified, the mushroom made its way to North America, including Alberta. Here, it became a valued ingredient, blending seamlessly into various dishes and culinary practices.

Ways To Cook

Shiitake mushrooms are extremely versatile in the kitchen, able to enhance a dish with their rich, earthy flavour. They can be sautéed, grilled, roasted, or stewed. When cooked, shiitakes release a deep umami flavour, making them a popular choice for vegetarian and vegan dishes seeking a "meaty" element. Their stems, although a bit tougher, can be used to flavour broths. Dried shiitakes, a staple in many Asian cuisines, offer an even more concentrated flavour and can be rehydrated for use in a variety of dishes. Beyond their taste, there's growing interest in the potential health benefits of shiitakes, with studies exploring their immune-boosting and cholesterol-lowering properties.
